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Ministry Interest and Regional Group Action Plans
A result of Breakout Sessions
Malaysia 2001

Business and Economic Development

Agreeing to four kinds of partnership networking was the achievement of this group.  They agreed on the following.

  1. Networks of Business Ministries are necessary to raise the quality of programs
  2. The need for a network that will partner with Business leaders and Politicians to address the issues of Justice and Economic Stimulus.
  3. The need for a partnership to help Christian Institutions of higher education to included Great Commission Goals in the curriculum.
  4. The need for the breakdown of the dualism of the sacro-secular.

Church Planting

Believing that it is important for Church Planting networks to have continuing life, the group agreed to the following.

  1. To establish an effective communication system among people interested in Church Planting for the following purposes.
    • For fellowship
    • For sharing models and experiences
    • For coaching and training on the job
    • For resource sharing such as training material, methodology, tools, people, finances etc.
    • To establish an on going network to achieve the above goals
    • To raise he profile of Church Planting among mission agencies and churches through networking.
  2. Bringing these goals to fruition requires the following steps.
    • Electronic communication among interested persons.
    • The hosting of a web site with all the available resources on Church Planting.
    • A recommendation to the GCR to facilitate the interested of the Church Planting network as an ongoing process.
    • Securing a full time coordinator (elected or appointed) for the Church Planting network.
    • At the next annual meeting of the GCR holding a review of the progress of the above mentioned items.

Emerging Culture/Youth

Networking had already begun between the Boaz Project and DAWN in the area of emerging culture. The group therefore agreed to expand their interaction to groups like CCDA and Tribal Generation (Gathering).  Several global networking conferences had already occurred on the topic of youth and emerging culture, with several regional conferences occurring soon. The group agreed to support one another in these efforts and look for future possibilities of greater partnership.

Leadership Development, Discipleship, Education, and Training

The need of this group seemed to far outweigh the possible solutions when this group commenced meeting. However, through discussion they discovered that many regional resources existed, which will be shared more widely in the future.

Relief and Development/Health Network

This network came up with the following recommendations.

  1. Local networks and relief and development organizations find ways to participate in networks.
  2. Recommend to GCR other development organizations that can be a part of the GCR.
  3. Relief and development organizations include in the design of their programs to build the capacities of church planting organizations in holistic ministry.
  4. Strategic research done by networks to include relief and development organizations. The definition of “harvest force” and “harvest field” should include socio-economic realities of the people group
  5. Prayer networkers pray for holistic ministries.
  6. Keep in touch with those who were part of the group-for mutual encouragement and prayers.


This group answered the questions:

  1. How to link researchers and research agencies together?
  2. How to avoid wasting resources caused by duplication of research?
  3. How to move towards standardization of research terms?
  4. How to get data from fields in which security is an issue?

Although no decisive action plan came from this discussion, this meeting laid the foundation for future action.

Scripture Translation/Literature

Two goals were agreed upon in this breakout session.

  1. The need for the establishment of Biblically based churches in every people and nation and every segment of society within the nations.
  2. An ongoing process of discipling based on Scripture for all those who profess to be Christian.

To accomplish these goals the following was necessary.

  1. The scriptures need to be in a language that communicates clearly.
  2. It must be in a medium (written, audio, video, or electronic) which is most effective in communicating to the believer.
  3. The awareness that the application of scripture is necessary to enhance Christian life must effectively communicated.


Divining what strategy should look like in the New Millennium was the achievement of this group. They mutually agreed that Strategy should have the following characteristics.

  1. It should move from being an organizational phenomenon to be organic.
  2. The Holy Spirit needs to be the “CEO.”
  3. Strategy is received from both the Holy Spirit and specific research.
  4. It is not a copy, but a value of diverse hope within a God-sized creativity.
  5. Strategy should be locally served and resourced globally.

Theology and Missiology

Expansion and self-examination was the goal of this breakout group.

  1. Through assistance from Birger Nygaard, this core group agreed to establish communication between international missiology networks not represented at the GCR.  In so doing, however, they realized they would have to identify the following areas.
    • The points where various networks have divergence.
    • The points where they agree.
    • The points that need further discussion.
  2. They agreed on the need for discussion and examination of past interaction (especially between WEF. Lausanne, and AD2000) was needed.
  3. It was also agreed that a shift in language and mindset from “fulfillment of the Great Commission to “fulfillment, full engagement, and obedience” of the same was necessary.

Unreached Peoples

These are the recommendations of this group.

Because of our passion for the completion of world evangelization, and our heartbreak because 25% of the people of the world - the last one fourth of the Great Commission -- have not been given a chance to hear or experience the Gospel and receive less than 1% of all missionaries and less than 1% of all mission offering, the GCR Unreached People interest group offers the following:

  1. We support and expand information flow so as to protect the security of believers and workers in sensitive areas yet also maximize information flow so more workers, prayer and other resources will dramatically increase.
  2. Urge the use of people group clusters within larger affinity blocks as a primary strategic consideration in order that all peoples, large and small, will be more quickly discipled.
  3. Recommend to GCR and commit ourselves to continuing and expanding an Unreached People ministry group.
  4. Would invite all interested in reaching and discipling unreached people groups to a consultation sometime in the second half of 2002.  This meeting will be around the theme of completing our work among the unreached peoples, will bring together resource people and field people, and will emphasize inclusion of new sending countries

Worship and Arts

To trust the lord for the raising up of worshiping churches using indigenous music and artistic expression was the desire of this group. Goals to this end included:

  1. Promoting the spread of worship recordings as well as music and worship material in local languages.
  2. Encouraging music and worship festivals among churches.
  3. Conduct music and worship training events to help enable and empower a new generation of worship musicians and artist.

To achieve this several short-term steps were needed.  The key steps included: informing the world through Global worship reports, training in ethnomusicology and musical missions, mobilizing Christian engineers to record indigenous praise, and networking with like minded people.

Australia and Oceania

Uniting with the belief that the “impossible can be done when we work together,” the Australia/Oceania group came to the following two conclusions.

  1. The Great Commission needs to be about more than just evangelism.  The transformation of communities through discipleship and obedience to Christ’s command it what is necessary.
  2. The re-evangelization of Australia and New Zealand must be done through local church leadership and those able to pull these leaders together with a singleness of purpose.

North Asia

This group agreed that the fulfillment of the Great Commission in their region required the following goals be met.

  1. Every village, people group, and segment of society be reached.
  2. Every person has an opportunity to hear the Gospel.

To fulfill these goals:

  1. Healthy reproducing churches must be established.
  2. Leaders must die to self and listen to God.


Identifying hindrances to partnership was the goal of this group.  They agreed that the following issues are a problem in their region.

  1. Individualism which divides ministries
  2. Relational and generational hindrances which inhibit interpersonal interaction.
  3. Cultural differences centered on theological absolutes.

To overcome these divisions the group agreed the following action was needed.

  1. Repentance leading to forgiveness and reconciliation.
  2. Agreement on Kingdom values instead of organizational ones.
  3. Identification of a common vision.

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